Embracing the Seasons of Life: A Lesson in Letting Go This Autumn

Fall is here, painting the landscape in a palette of vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows. As I walked in Trout Lake park in Vancouver and soaked in the stunning fall foliage, I had the opportunity to reflect on the concept of "letting go."

The Natural Process of Letting Go

In nature, autumn is a season of transformation and change. Trees willingly shed their leaves, embracing a natural process that has been occurring for millennia. This mirrors the seasons we experience in our own lives. Spring and summer are synonymous with growth, new opportunities, and blossoming relationships. Fall, however, marks a period of letting go, giving us a chance to release what no longer serves us, just as trees shed their leaves.

Impermanence as a Life Lesson

Understanding that nothing is permanent can bring a lot of peace and freedom. Even beautiful moments and feelings come to pass, just as the seasons change. It's a simple but profound wisdom that teaches us to embrace the present while it's still here.

Five Ways to Apply the Concept of "Seasons" in Your Life

  1. Practice Mindfulness: Take time each day to practice being present. Whether it’s five minutes of breathing exercises or a quiet walk in the park, mindfulness can help you appreciate the here and now.

  2. Evaluate Your Priorities: Just as trees let go of their leaves to focus on their core, use this season to reevaluate what's essential. Shed what’s unnecessary, be it a task, a relationship, or a habit.

  3. Embrace Change: Change is the only constant. The sooner you embrace it, the easier it becomes to adapt to new "seasons" in your life. Take small steps to break your routine or try something new.

  4. Acknowledge Your Feelings: It’s natural to feel a range of emotions as life ebbs and flows. Instead of suppressing them, acknowledge your feelings. The acceptance itself can be therapeutic.

  5. Plan for the Next Season: Even as you let go, think ahead about how you want to approach the coming seasons. Whether it's personal or professional goals, planning can offer a sense of direction and purpose.

By acknowledging the transient nature of everything around us, we come to understand and appreciate the impermanence that defines life itself.

This autumn, as you enjoy the spectacular colours and the crisp air, let it be a reminder to practice letting go, to embrace the present, and to welcome whatever the next season brings your way.

Rybo Chen | ICF Certified Coach

Rybo Chen is a transformational dynamo, masterfully driving change in a global tech company and inspiring personal transformation as Life Coach and Strategist. With clients in across North America, Europe, Africa and Asia-Pacific, Rybo has coached over 100 individuals from startup CEOs to aspiring leaders like you, with a wealth of experiences and a unique skill set backed by Prosci and Erickson Coaching certifications.

Rybo’s mission is to create an altruistic world that helps people lead fulfilling and happy lives. Connect with Rybo now to kickstart your journey to an extraordinary, purposeful and happy life!


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