Finding Fulfillment in the Process: A Shift in Perspective

In the age of social media, everything is filled with likes, shares, and comments, it’s easy to get caught up in the instant gratification that social media offers. What happens when we detach ourselves from these transient metrics? Can we still find fulfilment in our work? YES!

I want to tell you why focusing on the process rather than the outcome has been a game-changer for me.

The Joy in Giving

The moment I hit ‘send’ on my latest LinkedIn post titled “Struggle more, Grow more,” I felt an incredible sense of accomplishment. Not because I was eager to see the number of likes or shares it would generate (in fact, at the time of this writing there’s only 1 like), but because I had given a gift to the world.

Giving, in any form, is a potent form of fulfilment that doesn’t ask for anything in return.

Value in the Process

By taking joy in the act of creation itself, I’ve found a sense of intrinsic value that’s often missing in our outcome-obsessed culture.

The work we do every day has value, whether or not it’s immediately recognized by others. By focusing on the process, I’ve aligned my actions with my broader mission to cultivate growth mindsets and resilience in myself and others.

Vanity Metrics as a Feedback Loop

That’s not to say that vanity metrics like likes, shares, and comments are meaningless. They serve as a form of feedback, providing a glimpse into how your message resonates with others. However, these metrics should inform you, not control you. They can help you understand your impact but shouldn’t define the value of your work.

What’s shifting?

This shift in focus from outcome to process has helped me to contribute more with the hope the content will benefit some people reading it.

The content I create has its own value, intrinsic or otherwise, irrespective of external validation. It’s liberating to contribute without the weight of expectation, knowing that each piece I create serves a purpose: my own growth and the potential to inspire others.

Closing Thoughts

As we navigate the complexities of a world driven by social validation, finding joy in the process of creation can be our greatest asset. It frees us to contribute authentically, grow personally, and impact others positively, no matter the immediate feedback we receive. After all, the journey is as important, if not more so, than the destination.

How might you bring more fulfilment into your day?

Rybo Chen | ICF Certified Coach

Rybo Chen is a transformational dynamo, masterfully driving change in a global tech company and inspiring personal transformation as Life Coach and Strategist. With clients in across North America, Europe, Africa and Asia-Pacific, Rybo has coached over 100 individuals from startup CEOs to aspiring leaders like you, with a wealth of experiences and a unique skill set backed by Prosci and Erickson Coaching certifications.

Rybo’s mission is to create an altruistic world that helps people lead fulfilling and happy lives. Connect with Rybo now to kickstart your journey to an extraordinary, purposeful and happy life!

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